We present you our new Bright & Clean service

Sonja Krivokapić / 31.07.2020.

These challenging times have put us through new duties and tasks considering hygiene. Although hygiene was always important, the spreading of COVID-19 has made us implement it in accordance with the new circumstances. That's why we have created a program called Bright & clean, whose purpose is to raise the hygienic standard in laundries.

The program is made in accordance with the European EN 14065 standard, the system of risk analysis, and combating biocontamination. 

Who is the program for and what are the benefits?

Bright & clean program is for every facility in the hospitality industry which has a need for a laundry - from hotel and hostel to restaurants and camps. - By implementing Bright & clean program, the owners of facilities will be able to guarantee safety and hygiene to their guests when they need it the most, which will make these guests come back to their facilities - says Mario Martinek, the owner of the Bright world. To manage a successful business today is to take care of hygiene.

What does Bright & clean program entail?

To be able to help ensure maximum cleanliness in accordance with European norms in laundries, we have included 5 steps for raising quality:

-  analysis of the existing conditions and processes

- testing whether the appliances are in the proper working mode

- education of the employees

- implementing the control processes in laundries

The first step entails accessing the situation in the context of hygienic state of laundry in order to give more accurate solutions to make the state better. The second step is logical - considering the fact that the appliances contribute to hygiene greatly, their proper working order is key. And after that, we are getting to the organization of the whole laundry for the implementation of hygiene, which entails, among other things, the installing of dryers separately from the washers and ironers so that the different processes would not mix.

Furthermore, our program entails emphasizing the importance of using bactericides and adhering to the programs' instructions. For it all to be possible, the education of employees is needed, because they have to be prepared to combat infections and diseases.


The first attendant of our program

Hotel Boškinac on the Croatian island called Pag has decided to open its own laundry and equip it with Electrolux industrial washers and dryers. The hotel's owner has realized the great importance of hygiene in these times, and so he has decided to open his own in-house laundry to reduce the chances of contamination which often happens when using and external laundry. In - house laundry also gives a lot of other benefits, such as having a full control over your laundry processes. The family Boškinac considers hygiene to be of the utmost importance because their hotel has received a Michelin star.

In order to confirm the safety that our program guarantees, we have given our first attendant the certificate of completion and our Bright spot label, which signifies a clean and safe space.

You will hear more about our Bright & clean program, and until then, we wish hotel Boškinac all the best!