May your holidays be - bright!

Andrea Basić / 20.12.2021.

By the end of 2021, we have completed our major projects and started to develop plans for the upcoming year. Looking back, this year would not have been the same without you, our partners and clients.

We held a Christmas party for employees and long-term partners to celebrate our accomplishments. This was the perfect occasion to present awards for the year's most outstanding achievements, so members of our team received certificates for titles such as pilot, commando, and crisis specialist of the year. Aside from the live music, this was an excellent opportunity for all of the company's business partners, associates, and employees to relax and have some fun.



Remembering special people on holidays fills our hearts with joy. We hope that you will spend this holiday season with people you care the most!

We wish you happy holidays, healthy and successful upcoming new year!